"University of Guelph Fined by Judge Following Injury to Employee During Soil Unloading Process"

"University of Guelph Fined by Judge Following Injury to Employee During Soil Unloading Process"

SpanglishNews The University of Guelph has been fined $50,000 following an incident where an employee was injured during a soil unloading operation. The worker was struck by a large lump of soil which dislodged from the truck's body during the unloading process, causing bodily harm. The University pleaded guilty to failing to ensure that the safety measures were taken as stated by the National Occupational Health and Safety Act. #WorkerSafety #SoilAccident #UniversityFine 💵🚨🏥 Español: La Universidad de Guelph ha sido multada con 50.000 dólares tras un incidente en el que un empleado resultó herido durante una operación de descarga de tierra. El trabajador fue golpeado por un gran trozo de tierra que se desprendió de la carrocería del camión durante el proceso de descarga, provocándole lesiones corporales. La Universidad se declaró culpable de no garantizar que se tomaran las medidas de seguridad establecidas por la Ley Nacional de Seguridad y Salud Ocupacional. #SeguridaddelTrabajador #AccidenteDeSuelo #MultaUniversitaria 💵🚨🏥
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