US-backed Bernardo Arevalo confirmed as Guatemala's future president, marking a new era in politics

US-backed Bernardo Arevalo confirmed as Guatemala's future president, marking a new era in politics

SpanglishNewsBernardo Arévalo has been confirmed as Guatemala's next President, with significant backing from the United States. Arévalo, belonging to the Centre of Social Democracy, won the run-off election on 29th August 2023. The US has offered holistic support including assistance to bolster security, fight corruption, and upgrade infrastructure. Arévalo aims for a better relationship with Mexico to improve regional security and plans to deal with the root causes of migration. #GuatemalaElection #BernardoArévalo #USForeignPolicy 🇬🇹🇺🇸🌎

En Español: Bernardo Arévalo ha sido confirmado como el próximo presidente de Guatemala, con un importante respaldo de Estados Unidos. Arévalo, perteneciente al Centro de la Democracia Social, ganó la segunda vuelta de las elecciones el 29 de agosto de 2023. Estados Unidos ha ofrecido un apoyo integral que incluye asistencia para reforzar la seguridad, luchar contra la corrupción y mejorar la infraestructura. Arévalo aspira a una mejor relación con México para mejorar la seguridad regional y planea abordar las causas fundamentales de la migración. #GuatemalaElection #BernardoArévalo #USForeignPolicy 🇬🇹🇺🇸🌎


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