Watch: CNN Anchor Confronts Fauci with Data Indicating Ineffectiveness of Masks, Leaves Him Squirming

Watch: CNN Anchor Confronts Fauci with Data Indicating Ineffectiveness of Masks, Leaves Him Squirming

SpanglishNewsDr. Anthony Fauci, top U.S. infectious disease expert, recently faced hard questions from CNN about the effectiveness of masks against COVID-19. The exchange followed a study from Denmark suggesting that surgical masks don't significantly reduce the risk of infection. Fauci underscored the complexity of the virus and highlighted the need for additional protective layers, rather than relying solely on masks. He feels masks, despite their imperfections, still play an important role in curbing the spread of the virus. #FauciDefendsMasks #COVID19Controversy #MaskDebate 😷👨🏽‍⚕️📊

En Español:
El Dr. Anthony Fauci, principal experto en enfermedades infecciosas de EE. UU., recientemente enfrentó duras preguntas de CNN sobre la efectividad de las máscaras contra el COVID-19. El intercambio se produjo tras un estudio de Dinamarca que sugiere que las mascarillas quirúrgicas no reducen significativamente el riesgo de infección. Fauci subrayó la complejidad del virus y destacó la necesidad de capas protectoras adicionales, en lugar de depender únicamente de máscaras. Considera que las mascarillas, a pesar de sus imperfecciones, siguen desempeñando un papel importante para frenar la propagación del virus. #FauciDefiendeLasMáscaras #ControversiaCOVID19 #DebateMáscaras 😷👨🏽‍⚕️📊

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