4/8 PKs Missed: Women's WC Players Struggle with Penalties

4/8 PKs Missed: Women's WC Players Struggle with Penalties

English: At the Women's World Cup, penalty kicks were taken by 8 players, however only 4 of those were converted. The penalty kick is a critical part of the game and the missed opportunities could have been the difference between winning and losing. #womensworldcup #penaltykicks #soccer 🤔⚽️ Spanish: En la Copa Mundial Femenina, se tomaron 8 penales, sin embargo solo 4 de ellos se convirtieron. El tiro de penalti es una parte crítica del juego y las oportunidades perdidas podrían haber sido la diferencia entre ganar y perder. #copamundialfemenina #penales #futbol 🤔⚽️
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