Alberta NDP to Ensure Premier Doesn't Interfere with Justice System

Alberta NDP to Ensure Premier Doesn't Interfere with Justice System

Alberta NDP will be monitoring the Premier to ensure he does not interfere in the justice system. The NDP are concerned about his ability to control the judicial appointments. They will be creating a legislation that will restrict his power over the justice system. #AlbertaJustice #JusticeSystemReform #NDP 🗳️✔️ El NDP de Alberta vigilará al Primer Ministro para asegurar que no interfiera en el sistema de justicia. El NDP está preocupado por su capacidad de controlar las designaciones judiciales. Crearán una legislación que restrinja su poder sobre el sistema de justicia. #JusticiaAlberta #ReformaSistemaJusticia #NDP 🗳️✔️
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