Amazon's Anti-Consumer, Anti-Competitive Behaviours Targeted in Crackdown

Amazon's Anti-Consumer, Anti-Competitive Behaviours Targeted in Crackdown

Amazon is facing antitrust investigations from the U.S. Federal Trade Commission and some state attorneys general who are concerned about the company's business practices. The investigations are focused on how Amazon has used its market power to compete unfairly with third-party retailers on the platform. #Amazon #Antitrust #Competition 🤔🤷🏻‍♀️ Amazon se enfrenta a investigaciones antimonopolio por parte de la Comisión Federal de Comercio de Estados Unidos y algunos fiscales generales estatales preocupados por las prácticas comerciales de la compañía. Las investigaciones se centran en cómo Amazon ha utilizado su poder de mercado para competir de manera injusta con los minoristas de terceros en la plataforma. #Amazon #Antimonopolio #Competencia 🤔🤷🏻‍♀️
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