Attorney Crump to Sue Northwestern Over Alleged Hazing

Attorney Crump to Sue Northwestern Over Alleged Hazing

English: Civil rights attorney Benjamin Crump is set to announce a lawsuit against Northwestern University over alleged hazing and mistreatment of a student athlete. The lawsuit seeks to investigate the school's handling of the situation and the impact of its policies on the student. #CivilRights #StudentAthletes #NorthwesternUniversity 🚨🏫 Spanish: El abogado de derechos civiles Benjamin Crump anunciará una demanda contra la Universidad de Northwestern por presuntos actos de acoso y maltrato a un estudiante-atleta. La demanda busca investigar la forma en que la universidad manejó la situación y el impacto de sus políticas en el estudiante. #DerechosCiviles #EstudiantesAtletas #UniversidadNorthwestern 🚨🏫
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