Bill in Manitoba to Expand Peace Officer Roles in Municipalities

Bill in Manitoba to Expand Peace Officer Roles in Municipalities

A bill in Manitoba, Canada would give municipalities the ability to hire more peace officers to patrol their streets and transit systems. The bill would allow these officers to address concerns such as traffic violations, illegal dumping, and parking violations. #Manitoba #PeaceOfficers #TransitSafety 🚔 🚑 🚸 Un proyecto de ley en Manitoba, Canadá permitiría a los municipios contratar a más agentes de paz para patrullar sus calles y sistemas de transporte. La ley permitiría a estos oficiales abordar preocupaciones como violaciones de tránsito, vertido de residuos ilegales y violaciones de estacionamiento. #Manitoba #OficialesDePaz #SeguridadDelTransporte 🚔 🚑 🚸
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