Court Rejects Millard's Appeal, Stacked Parole Denied

Court Rejects Millard's Appeal, Stacked Parole Denied

The Ontario Court of Appeal has denied a conviction appeal from Dellen Millard, who was convicted of murdering his father three years ago. Millard had argued that the parole conditions that were imposed were illegal and should be struck down. The court disagreed and upheld the conviction, saying that the parole conditions were reasonable. #OntarioCourtofAppeal #DellenMillard #Murder 🤷‍♂️ La Corte de Apelaciones de Ontario ha denegado un recurso de condena de Dellen Millard, quien fue condenado por asesinar a su padre hace tres años. Millard había argumentado que las condiciones de la libertad condicional impuestas eran ilegales y debían ser anuladas. La corte se negó y mantuvo la condena, diciendo que las condiciones de libertad condicional eran razonables. #CorteDeApelacionesDeOntario #DellenMillard #Asesinato 🤷‍♂️
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