Emmett Till's Family: Monument Proclamation Honors His Place in US History

Emmett Till's Family: Monument Proclamation Honors His Place in US History

English: The Emmett Till Memorial Act of 2008 which was recently signed by President Donald Trump, designates the memorial site of Emmett Till's murder in Money, Mississippi as a National Monument. This act honors the memory of Emmett Till and his legacy of racial justice and civil rights. #JusticeForEmmettTill #CivilRights #EmmettTill 🙏🏾 Spanish: La Ley de Memorial de Emmett Till de 2008, recientemente firmada por el Presidente Donald Trump, designa el sitio memorial del asesinato de Emmett Till en Money, Misisipi, como Monumento Nacional. Esta ley honra la memoria de Emmett Till y su legado de justicia racial y derechos civiles. #JusticiaParaEmmettTill #DerechosCiviles #EmmettTill 🙏🏾
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