
Bennett Supports S.C. Sites Despite Bill Defeat

fails Bennett Supports S.C. Sites Despite Bill Defeat

The Canadian Minister of Health, Patty Hajdu, said she is supportive of supervised consumption sites, which provide drug users with medical assistance in a safe environment. Manitoba has also passed a bill to allow for the licensing of these types of sites. #SupervisedConsumptionSites #DrugSafety #MentalHealth 💉💊❤️ La Ministra de Salud de Canadá, Patty Hajdu, dijo que apoya los sitios de consumo supervisado, que proporcionan a los usuarios de drogas asistencia médica en un entorno seguro. Manitoba también ha aprobado una ley para permitir la licencia de este tipo de sitios. #SitiosDeConsumoSupervisado #SeguridadDeDrogas #SaludMental 💉💊❤️
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