Feds Sue WI Town Over Reservation Trespass

Feds Sue WI Town Over Reservation Trespass

El gobierno federal presentó una demanda contra una ciudad de Wisconsin por violar las fronteras de una reserva tribal. La demanda alega que la ciudad usurpó el territorio de la reserva, violando un acuerdo de 1837. #ReservaTribal #Wisconsin #Demandas #🇺🇸 #🌳 The US federal government has filed a lawsuit against a Wisconsin town for trespassing on a tribal reservation. The lawsuit alleges that the town has encroached on the reservation's territory, violating an 1837 agreement. #TribalReservation #Wisconsin #Lawsuit #🇺🇸 #🌳 El gobierno federal presentó una demanda contra una ciudad de Wisconsin por violar las fronteras de una reserva tribal. La demanda alega que la ciudad usurpó el territorio de la reserva, violando un acuerdo de 1837. #ReservaTribal #Wisconsin #Demandas # #🌳 The US federal government has filed a lawsuit against a Wisconsin town for trespassing on a tribal reservation. The lawsuit alleges that the town has encroached on the reservation's territory, violating an 1837 agreement. #TribalReservation #Wisconsin #Lawsuit # #🌳
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