German Captain in Migrant Rescue Standoff to Run for EU Parliament

German Captain in Migrant Rescue Standoff to Run for EU Parliament

Carola Rackete, capitana de un barco de rescate de refugiados, ha anunciado su candidatura a el parlamento europeo. Su candidatura es una respuesta a la limitación de los derechos de asilo y la búsqueda de soluciones humanitarias al problema de los refugiados. #Refugiados #DerechosDeAsilo #EleccionesEuropeas 🗳️🚢🤝 Carola Rackete, captain of a refugee rescue boat, has announced her candidacy for the European Parliament. Her candidacy is a response to the limitation of asylum rights and the search for humanitarian solutions to the refugee problem. #Refugees #AsylumRights #EuropeanElections 🗳️🚢🤝 Carola Rackete, capitana de un barco de rescate de refugiados, ha anunciado su candidatura a el parlamento europeo. Su candidatura es una respuesta a la limitación de los derechos de asilo y la búsqueda de soluciones humanitarias al problema de los refugiados. #Refugiados #DerechosDeAsilo #EleccionesEuropeas 🗳️🚢🤝 Carola Rackete, captain of a refugee rescue boat, has announced her candidacy for the European Parliament. Her candidacy is a response to the limitation of asylum rights and the search for humanitarian solutions to the refugee problem. #Refugees #AsylumRights #EuropeanElections 🗳️🚢🤝
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