Gov Gen Seeks to Bridge Divides in Statue Dispute

Gov Gen Seeks to Bridge Divides in Statue Dispute

The Governor General of Canada, Julie Payette, believes that debate around statue removal should be approached with understanding and respect. She has proposed that we learn from our history and use this knowledge to inform our present and future. #Respect #LearningFromHistory #CanadianHistory 🗣️ 🗒️ El Gobernador General de Canadá, Julie Payette, cree que el debate sobre la eliminación de estatuas debe abordarse con comprensión y respeto. Ha propuesto que aprendamos de nuestra historia y usemos este conocimiento para informar nuestro presente y futuro. #Respeto #AprendiendoDeLaHistoria #HistoriaCanadiense 🗣️ 🗒️
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