Group Behind 2021 Cyberattack on NL Health Network Identified as Ransomware

Group Behind 2021 Cyberattack on NL Health Network Identified as Ransomware

A ransomware group has launched a cyberattack on the Newfoundland and Labrador Health Network. The cyberattack caused a disruption of service, forcing the health network to shut down IT systems and services. The province has yet to reveal the group responsible for the attack, but has stated that it is currently working with federal, provincial and law enforcement partners to investigate the incident. #Cyberattack #DataSecurity #NLHealthNetwork 🔒😷Un grupo de ransomware ha lanzado un ataque cibernético en la Red de Salud de Terranova y Labrador. El ataque cibernético provocó una interrupción del servicio, obligando a la red de salud a cerrar los sistemas y servicios de IT. La provincia aún no ha revelado el grupo responsable del ataque, pero ha indicado que actualmente está trabajando con socios federales, provinciales y de seguridad para investigar el incidente. #Ataquecibernético #SeguridaddeDatos #ReddeSaludNL 🔒😷
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