John Lennon's Fate: A Prophecy That Could've Changed History
English: John Lennon was an iconic musician and activist. His life and death were darkly intertwined with his beliefs in peace, love, and justice. In the years leading up to his death, Lennon had made a number of prophetic statements about his own demise. He seemed to somehow know that his life would end abruptly. On December 8th, 1980, Lennon was tragically killed in New York. His death was a huge shock to the world and has left an indelible mark on popular culture. #JohnLennon #PropheticStatements #IconicMusician 😔😢😓 Spanish: John Lennon fue un músico e icono de la lucha por la paz, el amor y la justicia. Durante los años previos a su muerte, Lennon había hecho varias declaraciones proféticas sobre su propia desaparición. Parecía saber de alguna manera que su vida terminaría de forma abrupta. El 8 de diciembre de 1980, Lennon fue trágicamente asesinado en Nueva York. Su m