Judge Clears Funeral Dir. of Wrongly Cremated Body

Judge Clears Funeral Dir. of Wrongly Cremated Body

Un juez exoneró al director de funerarias de Nueva Escocia acusado de cremar el cuerpo equivocado. El incidente tuvo lugar cuando dos familias compartieron el mismo nombre en la funeraria. El juez dijo que el director actuó con diligencia y que no existen evidencias de una negligencia. #Justicia #Funeraria #Exculpación 🤷‍♀️😔😥 A judge has exonerated a Nova Scotia funeral director charged with cremating the wrong body. The incident occurred when two families shared the same name at the funeral home. The judge said the director acted with due diligence and that there is no evidence of negligence. #Justice #FuneralHome #Exoneration 🤷‍♀️😔😥
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