Kenyans Report Police Abuse to ICC: Evidence of Atrocities Mounts

Kenyans Report Police Abuse to ICC: Evidence of Atrocities Mounts

English: Kenyan opposition groups are gathering evidence of alleged police brutality against protesters to take to the International Criminal Court. The evidence includes a video of a protester being fatally shot in the head by police, as well as reports of beatings, tear gas, and indiscriminate use of weapons against protesters. #Kenya #PoliceBrutality #ICC 🔎📹🤬 Spanish: Los grupos de oposición de Kenia están recopilando evidencia de presunta brutalidad policial contra manifestantes para llevarla a la Corte Penal Internacional. La evidencia incluye un video de un manifestante que fue asesinado de un disparo en la cabeza por la policía, así como informes de golpizas, gas lacrimógeno y uso indiscriminado de armas contra manifestantes. #Kenia #BrutalidadPolicial #CPI 🔎📹🤬
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