Mass Shooting in Nashville: Release of Killer's Writings Sparks Debate

Mass Shooting in Nashville: Release of Killer's Writings Sparks Debate

Spanish: Un estudiante de 18 años abrió fuego en una escuela secundaria en Nashville, Tennessee, el mes pasado, matando a un estudiante y heriendo a otros seis. Esto ha reavivado el debate sobre si los materiales escritos por los asesinos en masa deberían ser publicados. #EscuelasSeguras #ViolenciaEnEscuelas #DebateSobrePublicación 🔫 💔 English: An 18-year-old student opened fire at a high school in Nashville, Tennessee last month, killing one student and injuring six others. This has reignited the debate about whether materials written by mass killers should be released. #SafeSchools #SchoolViolence #DebateOnPublication 🔫 💔
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