NC Treasurer Seeks Gubernatorial Bid in '24

NC Treasurer Seeks Gubernatorial Bid in '24

🇪🇸 El Tesorero de Carolina del Norte, Dale Folwell, anunció su candidatura para la gobernación en 2024. Folwell posee una larga trayectoria como legislador estatal, habiendo servido como miembro de la Asamblea General desde el 2001 hasta el 2017. Folwell es el único candidato republicano que ha anunciado oficialmente su candidatura. #NCGob #Elecciones2024 #CarolinaDelNorte 🤝🗳🇺🇸 North Carolina Treasurer, Dale Folwell, announced his candidacy for Governor in 2024. Folwell has a long track record as a state legislator, having served as a member of the General Assembly from 2001 to 2017. Folwell is the only Republican candidate to have officially announced his candidacy. #NCGob #Election2024 #NorthCarolina 🤝🗳
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