Provincial Gov't Increases Vet School Subsidy

Provincial Gov't Increases Vet School Subsidy

The BC government has announced a multi-year plan to subsidize veterinary education and create more opportunities for students. The plan includes money for tuition and balances that will cover the costs of the program, as well as scholarships and bursaries. #BCGov #VetEducation #EducationOpportunity πŸ˜ƒπŸ˜† El gobierno de BC anunciΓ³ un plan de varios aΓ±os para subsidiar la educaciΓ³n veterinaria y crear mΓ‘s oportunidades para los estudiantes. El plan incluye dinero para la matrΓ­cula y saldos que cubrirΓ‘n los costos del programa, asΓ­ como becas y bolsas de estudio. #GobiernoBC #EducaciΓ³nVeterinaria #OportunidadesEducativas πŸ˜ƒπŸ˜†
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