Remembering Fallen Officers: Dad and 'Snow Angel' Shot on Duty

Remembering Fallen Officers: Dad and 'Snow Angel' Shot on Duty

El oficial de la policía de Edmonton, Const. Daniel Woodall, y el oficial constable Éric Dubois, fueron recientemente asesinados cuando respondían a una tragedia en casa. Los familiares de los oficiales recuerdan su entrega y amor por su trabajo. #NotarasConLágrimas #NuncaOlvidaremos #HonorPolicía 🙏💔Edmonton police officers Const. Daniel Woodall and Constable Éric Dubois were recently killed in the line of duty while responding to a tragedy at home. The officers' families remember their dedication and love for their work. #TearsWillBeNoted #NeverForgotten #PoliceHonor 🙏💔
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