Replacing Judge at Lionel Desmond Fatality Inquiry, NS

Replacing Judge at Lionel Desmond Fatality Inquiry, NS

#NovaScotia #MentalHealth #Justice The government of Nova Scotia has announced that they will remove the judge presiding over the Lionel Desmond Fatality Inquiry and appoint a new one, due to a request from the Desmond family. Desmond was a veteran who suffered from PTSD and had taken his own life, along with the lives of his wife, child, and mother. The inquiry is expected to examine the events leading up to the tragedy. 🇨🇦❤️ #NovaScotia #SaludMental #Justicia El gobierno de Nueva Escocia ha anunciado que eliminará al juez que preside el Inquilino de Fatalidad de Lionel Desmond y nombrará a uno nuevo, debido a una solicitud de la familia Desmond. Desmond era un veterano que sufría de PTSD y había tomado su propia vida, junto con las vidas de su esposa, hijo y madre. Se espera que la investigación examine los acontecimientos que llevaron a la tragedia. 🇨
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