Russian General Insinuates U.S. Involvement in Creating COVID-19, Raises Suspicion of Possible New Pandemic Plot for Global Domination

Russian General Insinuates U.S. Involvement in Creating COVID-19, Raises Suspicion of Possible New Pandemic Plot for Global Domination

MercadoNewsWorldLieutenant General Nikolai Patrushev, Secretary of the Russian Security Council, raises suspicions about US involvement in the creation of COVID-19 and fears the brewing of another pandemic for global dominance. He hypothesizes the virus could be a biological weapon deliberately spread to counter Russia and China's growth. #BioWarfare #GlobalDominance #PandemicPolitics 🌍💉⚔️ Español: El teniente general Nikolai Patrushev, secretario del Consejo de Seguridad de Rusia, levanta sospechas sobre la participación de EE. UU. en la creación de COVID-19 y teme la gestación de otra pandemia por el dominio global. Él plantea la hipótesis de que el virus podría ser un arma biológica propagada deliberadamente para contrarrestar el crecimiento de Rusia y China. #BioWarfare #GlobalDominance #PandemicPolitics 🌍💉⚔️
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