Sarah Guillemard to End Manitoba Cabinet Role, Won't Run Again

Sarah Guillemard to End Manitoba Cabinet Role, Won't Run Again

Español: La Ministra de Manitoba, Sarah Guillemard, anunció que no buscará la reelección en las próximas elecciones. Guillemard, quien representa la circunscripción de Fort Richmond, ha sido un miembro del gabinete desde 2016 y ha servido como ministra de Recursos Naturales y Vida Silvestre desde 2019. #EleccionesManitoba #Guillemard #SinReelección 🗳️ 🗝️ Manitoba Cabinet Minister Sarah Guillemard announced that she will not seek re-election in the upcoming election. Guillemard, who represents the Fort Richmond riding, has been a member of the Cabinet since 2016 and has served as Minister of Natural Resources and Wildlife since 2019. #ManitobaElection #Guillemard #NoReElection 🗳️ 🗝️
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