Survivors Share Stories of Resilience in MS Tornado

Survivors Share Stories of Resilience in MS Tornado

After a tornado ripped through Mississippi, survivors tell their harrowing stories of survival. One family was reunited after being separated from each other in the storm, another woman was able to find her missing dog, and a few students had to take shelter in their school's bathrooms. Despite the destruction, there were many miraculous stories of survival. #MiracleStories #TornadoSurvivors #Mississippi 🌪️💪🏽Español: Después de que un tornado azotara Mississippi, los sobrevivientes cuentan sus angustiosas historias de supervivencia. Una familia fue reunida después de separarse durante la tormenta, otra mujer pudo encontrar a su perro desaparecido, y unos pocos estudiantes tuvieron que resguardarse en los baños de su escuela. A pesar de la destrucción, hubo muchas historias milagrosas de supervivencia. #HistoriasdeMilagro #SobrevivientesdeTornado #Mississippi 🌪️
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