TB Outbreak in Nunavut Community

TB Outbreak in Nunavut Community

A tuberculosis outbreak has been declared by Nunavut's Department of Health in the hamlet of Naujaat, making it the third community to be affected by TB in the Nunavut region. Health officials are urging inhabitants to be tested for TB and to remain vigilant. #NunavutHealth #TuberculosisOutbreak #TBTesting 🩹🦠 El Departamento de Salud de Nunavut ha declarado un brote de tuberculosis en el pueblo de Naujaat, convirtiéndolo en la tercera comunidad afectada por la tuberculosis en la región de Nunavut. Los funcionarios de salud instan a los habitantes a que se hagan pruebas de tuberculosis y a que mantengan la vigilancia. #SaluddeNunavut #BroteTB #PruebasTB 🩹🦠
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