Teen in Winnipeg Charged for Killing 15-Year-Old

Teen in Winnipeg Charged for Killing 15-Year-Old

A 15-year-old boy in Winnipeg was fatally shot on March 14. Police have since arrested and charged a 17-year-old suspect with second-degree murder. The suspect was known to the victim and both were from the same school. #Winnipeg #SecondDegreeMurder #GunsOffOurStreets 🔫😢 Un niño de 15 años en Winnipeg fue asesinado el 14 de marzo. La policía ha arrestado y acusado a un sospechoso de 17 años de homicidio en segundo grado. El sospechoso era conocido de la víctima y ambos eran de la misma escuela. #Winnipeg #HomicidioSegundoGrado #SinArmasEnLasCalles 🔫😢
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