Terror Threat Level in NI Raised to ‘Severe’ by MI5

🇬🇧 The UK security service MI5 has raised the terror threat level for Northern Ireland from substantial to severe. This is due to increased terrorist activity by dissident republican groups. The public is advised to remain vigilant and report any suspicious activity to the police. #NorthernIreland #SecurityThreat #Terrorism 🇪🇸 El servicio de seguridad del Reino Unido MI5 ha elevado el nivel de amenaza terrorista para Irlanda del Norte de sustancial a severo. Esto se debe a una mayor actividad terrorista de los grupos republicanos disidentes. Se aconseja al público que permanezca vigilante y informe cualquier actividad sospechosa a la policía. #IrlandaDelNorte #AmenazaDeSeguridad #Terrorismo 🔐🚨😬
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