Tesla Shares Drop as CFO Kirkhorn Departs
Tesla's Chief Financial Officer, Zack Kirkhorn, has unexpectedly stepped down from his position. He will be replaced by current Chief Accounting Officer, Vaibhav Taneja. Kirkhorn will be taking on a new role as vice president of technology at the company. #Tesla #CFO #VaibhavTaneja 🤝 🤝 🤝 El director financiero de Tesla, Zack Kirkhorn, ha decidido de forma inesperada abandonar el cargo. Vaibhav Taneja, actual director de contabilidad, será el encargado de reemplazarlo. Kirkhorn se desempeñará como vicepresidente de tecnología en la compañía. #Tesla #CFO #VaibhavTaneja 🤝 🤝 🤝