World News - Mercado Magazine

Evacuations in Spain as Fire Season Begins Ahead of Schedule

Evacuations in Spain as Fire Season Begins Ahea...

Hundreds of people were evacuated from their homes in Spain due to wildfires that have broken out earlier than expected. Firefighters are trying to contain the fires and prevent further...

Evacuations in Spain as Fire Season Begins Ahea...

Hundreds of people were evacuated from their homes in Spain due to wildfires that have broken out earlier than expected. Firefighters are trying to contain the fires and prevent further...

Pride Night in NHL Draws Unwanted Attention

Pride Night in NHL Draws Unwanted Attention

The NHL team the Edmonton Oilers recently faced a backlash due to the decision to hold a Pride Night event. The event was meant to celebrate LGBTQ+ athletes and the...

Pride Night in NHL Draws Unwanted Attention

The NHL team the Edmonton Oilers recently faced a backlash due to the decision to hold a Pride Night event. The event was meant to celebrate LGBTQ+ athletes and the...

Londoners Rally Against Israeli PM's Trip

Londoners Rally Against Israeli PM's Trip

Thousands of demonstrators gathered in London to protest against the visit of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. The protesters consider the visit an endorsement of his nation's policies towards Palestine,...

Londoners Rally Against Israeli PM's Trip

Thousands of demonstrators gathered in London to protest against the visit of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. The protesters consider the visit an endorsement of his nation's policies towards Palestine,...

Lower Home Construction Proj in Ontario Budget

Lower Home Construction Proj in Ontario Budget

El presupuesto de Ontario de 2021 proyecta menos construcción de viviendas nuevas en 2021 y 2022. Esto se debe a la pandemia de COVID-19, que ha afectado significativamente el sector...

Lower Home Construction Proj in Ontario Budget

El presupuesto de Ontario de 2021 proyecta menos construcción de viviendas nuevas en 2021 y 2022. Esto se debe a la pandemia de COVID-19, que ha afectado significativamente el sector...

Improve Salmon Survival: BC Examines Hatchery Release Practices

Improve Salmon Survival: BC Examines Hatchery R...

Un estudio realizado en la Columbia Británica, Canadá, indica que los cambios en el manejo de los salmones en los criaderos pueden mejorar la supervivencia y la productividad de esta...

Improve Salmon Survival: BC Examines Hatchery R...

Un estudio realizado en la Columbia Británica, Canadá, indica que los cambios en el manejo de los salmones en los criaderos pueden mejorar la supervivencia y la productividad de esta...

70+ Injured in Hong Kong Traffic Accident

70+ Injured in Hong Kong Traffic Accident

En Hong Kong, un accidente de tráfico dejó a alrededor de 70 personas heridas. El accidente involucró un autobús de dos pisos y un pequeño camión. Un testigo dijo que...

70+ Injured in Hong Kong Traffic Accident

En Hong Kong, un accidente de tráfico dejó a alrededor de 70 personas heridas. El accidente involucró un autobús de dos pisos y un pequeño camión. Un testigo dijo que...

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