World News - Mercado Magazine

Escape of Endangered Vulture from Zoo

Escape of Endangered Vulture from Zoo

An endangered Hooded Vulture escaped from a zoo in the Bay Area and was found a few days later. The vulture was found and returned to the zoo without incident....

Escape of Endangered Vulture from Zoo

An endangered Hooded Vulture escaped from a zoo in the Bay Area and was found a few days later. The vulture was found and returned to the zoo without incident....

UN: Millions Die Without Clean Water, Sanitation

UN: Millions Die Without Clean Water, Sanitation

The United Nations has reported that millions of people die each year due to a lack of access to clean water and sanitation. This has been declared a global crisis...

UN: Millions Die Without Clean Water, Sanitation

The United Nations has reported that millions of people die each year due to a lack of access to clean water and sanitation. This has been declared a global crisis...

Schools in MO to Remain Shut After Contamination Fear

Schools in MO to Remain Shut After Contaminatio...

La escuela primaria de Missouri cerró temporalmente después de una advertencia de contaminación. Se encontraron cantidades muy bajas de un veneno en el aire, que el departamento de salud estatal...

Schools in MO to Remain Shut After Contaminatio...

La escuela primaria de Missouri cerró temporalmente después de una advertencia de contaminación. Se encontraron cantidades muy bajas de un veneno en el aire, que el departamento de salud estatal...

EPA May Intervene on Oregon Water Contamination Issue

EPA May Intervene on Oregon Water Contamination...

A drinking water contamination crisis in Oregon has spurred the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to consider taking action. The crisis was caused by chemicals called PFAS, which were found in...

EPA May Intervene on Oregon Water Contamination...

A drinking water contamination crisis in Oregon has spurred the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to consider taking action. The crisis was caused by chemicals called PFAS, which were found in...

NTSB: Crews Missed Road De-Icing Before Deadly TX Crash

NTSB: Crews Missed Road De-Icing Before Deadly ...

Crews failed to de-ice the roads before a massive crash in Texas that left at least five people dead and dozens injured. The National Transportation Safety Board determined the crash...

NTSB: Crews Missed Road De-Icing Before Deadly ...

Crews failed to de-ice the roads before a massive crash in Texas that left at least five people dead and dozens injured. The National Transportation Safety Board determined the crash...

Opp. Activist Arrest Sought by Russian Gov't

Opp. Activist Arrest Sought by Russian Gov't

Los funcionarios rusos buscan la detención de otro activista de la oposición. Está acusado de instigar la violencia durante una protesta de enero. Se espera que comparezca ante el Tribunal...

Opp. Activist Arrest Sought by Russian Gov't

Los funcionarios rusos buscan la detención de otro activista de la oposición. Está acusado de instigar la violencia durante una protesta de enero. Se espera que comparezca ante el Tribunal...

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