Montreal Suburbs Enter Fourth Day of Boil Water Advisory, Restrictions Lifted in Longueuil

Montreal Suburbs Enter Fourth Day of Boil Water Advisory, Restrictions Lifted in Longueuil

SpanglishNewsA boil water advisory has been issued for around 100,000 residents in two Montreal South Shore cities, Longueuil and Boucherville, Quebec after issues were spotted during routine checks. The warning came from the City of Longueuil and is expected to last about one day, while the cause of the advisory is under investigation. Residents are advised to boil tap water for at least one minute before using it for drinking, brushing teeth, washing fruits, making ice or for any other activity that could lead to ingestion. #BoilWaterAdvisory #MontrealSouthShore #PublicHealth 🚰⚠️💦

En Español: Se emitió un aviso de hervir el agua para alrededor de 100.000 residentes en dos ciudades de la costa sur de Montreal, Longueuil y Boucherville, Quebec, después de que se detectaran problemas durante los controles de rutina. La advertencia provino de la ciudad de Longueuil y se espera que dure aproximadamente un día, mientras se investiga la causa del aviso. Se recomienda a los residentes que hiervan el agua del grifo durante al menos un minuto antes de usarla para beber, cepillarse los dientes, lavar frutas, hacer hielo o cualquier otra actividad que pueda provocar su ingestión. #BoilWaterAdvisory #MontrealSouthShore #PublicHealth 🚰⚠️💦

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