Brutal NYC Tent Shelter Murder: Migrant Pleaded to Finish the Job, Prosecutors Allege

Brutal NYC Tent Shelter Murder: Migrant Pleaded to Finish the Job, Prosecutors Allege

SpanglishNewsNetwork πŸ“°πŸ”ͺ😱 Horrifying Murder Confession: Migrant Allegedly Demands to "Finish the Job" 😱πŸ”ͺπŸ“° πŸ’” In a shocking turn of events, a migrant named Moises Coronado, aged 27, stands accused of brutally stabbing fellow asylum seeker Dafren Jenkins to death at a New York tent shelter. πŸ˜’πŸ’” 🚨 Prosecutors revealed that after the heart-wrenching attack, Coronado shockingly made cold-blooded comments, allegedly asking the security guards at the Randall's Island shelter to let him "finish the job." 😱😑 πŸ“… On Tuesday, during his arraignment, these chilling details emerged, leaving everyone astonished and appalled. πŸ’”πŸ™ #NewYorkCrime #AsylumSeekerTragedy #ColdBloodedMurder #DisturbingConfession #Unbelievable #JusticeForDafren

En EspaΓ±ol: πŸ’” Impactante ConfesiΓ³n de Asesinato: Migrante Supuestamente Exige "Terminar el Trabajo" 😱πŸ”ͺπŸ“° En un giro estremecedor, se acusa a un migrante llamado MoisΓ©s Coronado, de 27 aΓ±os, de apuΓ±alar brutalmente hasta la muerte a Dafren Jenkins, otro solicitante de asilo, en un refugio de tiendas en Nueva York. πŸ˜’πŸ’” 🚨 Los fiscales revelaron que despuΓ©s del ataque desgarrador, Coronado hizo comentarios escalofriantes, supuestamente pidiendo a los guardias de seguridad del refugio en Randall's Island que le permitieran "terminar el trabajo." 😱😑 πŸ“… Durante su comparecencia el martes, surgieron estos detalles escalofriantes, dejando a todos asombrados y consternados. πŸ’”πŸ™ #CrimenEnNuevaYork #TragediaDeSolicitantesDeAsilo #AsesinatoAColdBlood #ConfesiΓ³nInquietante #IncreΓ­ble #JusticiaParaDafren

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