Fired Louis Vuitton Exec and WH Anti-Harassment Advocate Takes Legal Action!

Fired Louis Vuitton Exec and WH Anti-Harassment Advocate Takes Legal Action!

SpanglishNewsNetwork πŸ“° Former LVMH VP speaks out! πŸ’₯πŸ’” Claiming retaliation and wrongful termination after reporting sexual harassment, she sheds light on the dark side of the luxury goods conglomerate. Months after standing in witness to a landmark federal law at the White House, her career takes an unexpected turn. 😱😒 #LVMHRetaliation #SexualHarassmentAllegations #BillSigningWitness #LuxuryGoodsIndustryChaos

En EspaΓ±ol: πŸ“° Β‘Ex vicepresidente de LVMH habla! πŸ’₯πŸ’” Alegando represalias y despido injustificado despuΓ©s de denunciar acoso sexual, ella expone el lado oscuro del conglomerado de bienes de lujo. Meses despuΓ©s de presenciar una histΓ³rica ley federal en la Casa Blanca, su carrera toma un giro inesperado. 😱😒 #LVMHRepresalias #AlegacionesAcosoSexual #TestigoFirmaDeLey #CaosIndustriaBienesDeLujo

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