NYC Bloomingdale's: Migrant Mob Targets $5,300 in Designer Shades!

NYC Bloomingdale's: Migrant Mob Targets $5,300 in Designer Shades!

SpanglishNewsNetwork 🚨 Breaking News 🚨: A group of daring migrants invaded Manhattan's iconic @Bloomingdales, causing quite a stir! 🌟 Armed with sticky fingers, they attempted to snatch some exquisite designer sunglasses from Versace, Dior, and Prada, worth a whooping $5,300 in total! 😱😎 Unfortunately for them, all but one managed to escape before the authorities arrived, according to police sources. Stay tuned for more updates! #ManhattanMischief #LuxuryLootHeist #StickyFingers #DesignerDrama

En Español: 🚨 ‘Última hora! 🚨: ‘Un grupo de valientes migrantes invadió la icónica tienda @Bloomingdales en Manhattan, causando revuelo! 🌟 ‘Armados con manos pegajosas, intentaron arrebatar gafas de sol exquisitas de Versace, Dior y Prada, ‘por un valor de increíbles $5,300 en total! 😱😎 Lamentablemente, todos menos uno lograron escapar antes de que llegaran las autoridades, según fuentes policiales. ‘Mantente al tanto para mÑs actualizaciones! #TravesuraEnManhattan #AtracoDeLujo #ManosPegajosas #DramaDeDiseñadores

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