NYC Politicians Demand Answers on Awful School Map Excluding Israel: Tell the Truth to Kids!

NYC Politicians Demand Answers on Awful School Map Excluding Israel: Tell the Truth to Kids!

SpanglishNewsNetwork 📸💥 Elected officials demand answers after shocking photos surfaced, exposing the controversial "Arab World" map exhibited at PS 261 in Brooklyn, as part of educator Rita Lahoud's enlightening Arab Culture Arts program. 😱🌍 #ArabCulture #BrooklynEducation #ControversyUnveiled

En Español: Funcionarios electos exigen respuestas después de que fotos impactantes salieron a la luz, revelando el polémico mapa del "Mundo Árabe" exhibido en la escuela PS 261 en Brooklyn, como parte del iluminador programa de Arte y Cultura Árabe de la educadora Rita Lahoud. 😱🌍 #CulturaÁrabe #EducaciónBrooklyn #ControversiaRevelada

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