NYE 2022 Attack: Jihadist Guilty of Terrorism, Targeting Times Square Cops

NYE 2022 Attack: Jihadist Guilty of Terrorism, Targeting Times Square Cops

SpanglishNewsNetwork 🚨 BREAKING NEWS πŸ“°: A radicalized Islamic jihadist πŸ™…β€β™‚οΈπŸ”ͺ pleaded guilty to terrorism charges on Thursday for attacking NYPD officers with a machete near Times Square on New Year's Eve 2022, federal officials said.πŸ’₯ Trevor Bickford, a 20-year-old Maine native, will face a potential 120 years in prison for slashing three cops with a 12-inch blade in the lone wolf attack. 😱😱😱 #BreakingNews #TerrorismCharges #NYPDAttack #TimesSquare #RadicalizedJihadist #JusticeServed

En EspaΓ±ol: 🚨 ‘ÚLTIMA HORA! πŸ“°: Un yihadista islΓ‘mico radicalizado πŸ™…β€β™‚οΈπŸ”ͺ se declarΓ³ culpable de cargos de terrorismo el jueves por atacar a oficiales del NYPD con un machete cerca de Times Square en la vΓ­spera de AΓ±o Nuevo 2022, segΓΊn funcionarios federales. πŸ’₯ Trevor Bickford, un joven de 20 aΓ±os originario de Maine, podrΓ­a enfrentar hasta 120 aΓ±os de prisiΓ³n por apuΓ±alar a tres policΓ­as con una hoja de 12 pulgadas en este ataque solitario de lobo. 😱😱😱 #ÚltimaHora #CargosDeTerrorismo #AtaqueNYPD #TimesSquare #YihadistaRadicalizado #JusticiaHecha

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