Shocking Daylight Attack near NJ School Leaves Teenagers Shot in the Heart

Shocking Daylight Attack near NJ School Leaves Teenagers Shot in the Heart

SpanglishNewsNetwork 📰 BREAKING NEWS 🚨: Two teenagers, aged 15 and 14, were tragically shot 😱💔 at S. 11th Street and South Orange Avenue 📍according to local police sources 🚔😢. We need to come together as a community to put an end to this senseless violence! 🤝🙏 #TeenagersShot #CommunitySafety #EndViolenceNow

En Español: 📰 NOTICIAS DE ÚLTIMA HORA 🚨: Dos adolescentes, de 15 y 14 años de edad, fueron trágicamente disparados 😱💔 en la calle S. 11th y la avenida South Orange 📍 según fuentes policiales locales 🚔😢. ¡Tenemos que unirnos como comunidad para poner fin a esta violencia sin sentido! 🤝🙏 #AdolescentesDisparados #SeguridadComunitaria #PonleFinALaViolenciaAhora

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