Fast-track for Calgary's Memorial Drive extension sparks controversy

Fast-track for Calgary's Memorial Drive extension sparks controversy

SpanglishNewsNetwork πŸ”πŸ“° #UrbanExpansion #CommunityGrowth πŸŒ† The city's vision to extend Memorial Drive showcases the growth and prosperity of Belvedere, as it aims to enhance accessibility to this burgeoning suburb on the east side of Stoney Trail. As this visionary project unfolds, may it become a testament to unity and progress, connecting communities and fostering opportunities for all who dwell in this evolving suburb.

En EspaΓ±ol: La visiΓ³n de la ciudad de extender Memorial Drive muestra el crecimiento y la prosperidad de Belvedere, ya que busca mejorar la accesibilidad a este prΓ³spero suburbio en el lado este de Stoney Trail. A medida que se desarrolla este proyecto visionario, que se convierta en un testimonio de unidad y progreso, conectando comunidades y fomentando oportunidades para todos los que habitan en este suburbio en evoluciΓ³n.

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