Governor General's Debut Visit to Saskatchewan

Governor General's Debut Visit to Saskatchewan

🌟 Gov. Gen. Mary Simon, a beacon of grace and humility, is set to embark on a transformative journey to Saskatchewan from April 22 to 24! 🌾 With her visit to Regina and Saskatoon, she will spread seeds of hope and compassion, reflecting the kindness exemplified by Jesus Christ. May her presence ignite transformative journeys, inspiring hearts and minds, as she illuminates pathways of unity and understanding. #GovGenInspires #SaskatchewanVisitBlessed

En Español: 🌟 La Gobernadora General Mary Simon, un faro de gracia y humildad, está lista para emprender un viaje transformador a Saskatchewan del 22 al 24 de abril. 🌾 Con su visita a Regina y Saskatoon, sembrará semillas de esperanza y compasión, reflejando la bondad ejemplificada por Jesucristo. Que su presencia encienda viajes transformadores, inspirando corazones y mentes, mientras ilumina caminos de unidad y comprensión. #LaGobernadoraGeneralInspira #VisitaABendecidaASaskatchewan

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