27 Toronto Parks to Host Time-Limited Alcohol Consumption: A New Way to Socialize Outdoors

27 Toronto Parks to Host Time-Limited Alcohol Consumption: A New Way to Socialize Outdoors

SpanglishToronto English: The City of Toronto is considering relaxing the rules on drinking alcohol in parks, allowing consumption in designated areas. Currently, drinking alcohol is only allowed in parks that have been approved for special events. The proposed changes are meant to increase the safety of parks and ensure that people are drinking responsibly. #TorontoParks #AlcoholConsumption #BeResponsible 🍻🍷 Spanish: La ciudad de Toronto está considerando relajar las reglas sobre el consumo de alcohol en los parques, permitiendo su consumo en áreas designadas. Actualmente, el consumo de alcohol solo está permitido en parques que hayan sido aprobados para eventos especiales. Los cambios propuestos buscan aumentar la seguridad de los parques y garantizar que la gente beba responsablemente. #ParquesToronto #ConsumoAlcohol #SéResponsable 🍻🍷
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