Start Paying for TTC Fares with Credit & Debit Cards Next Week!

Start Paying for TTC Fares with Credit & Debit Cards Next Week!

SpanglishToronto Spanish: La TTC de Toronto ahora aceptará tarjetas de débito y crédito como forma de pago para los boletos de transporte. Los pasajeros podrán usar tarjetas Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Apple Pay, Google Pay y Samsung Pay. Los usuarios también pueden pagar el boleto con tarjetas de prepago de la TTC. #TorontoTransitCommission #TarjetasDePago #ViajesEnToronto 🚌💳🤑 English: The TTC in Toronto will now accept debit and credit cards as a form of payment for transit fares. Passengers can use Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Apple Pay, Google Pay and Samsung Pay. Users can also pay their fare with TTC prepaid cards. #TTC #CardPayment #TorontoTravel 🚌💳🤑
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