An audit is currently in progress for the Arkansas governor's $19,000 lectern, which may not be visible but remains a topic of interest.

An audit is currently in progress for the Arkansas governor's $19,000 lectern, which may not be visible but remains a topic of interest.

SpanglishNewsπŸ“°πŸŒ½πŸš«βšͺ️🀰 Arkansas Governor Sarah Huckabee Sanders continues to make headlines with her recent policy announcements! πŸ“’ With aims of protecting farmland and pushing back on gender-neutral language, Gov. Sanders has garnered support from her Republican allies. πŸ‘ #ArkansasGovernor #PolicyUpdates #RepublicanSupport #FarmlandProtection #GenderNeutralLanguage

En EspaΓ±ol: πŸ“°πŸŒ½πŸš«βšͺ️🀰 La gobernadora de Arkansas, Sarah Huckabee Sanders, sigue acaparando titulares con sus recientes anuncios de polΓ­ticas! πŸ“’ Con el objetivo de proteger las tierras de cultivo y resistirse al lenguaje neutro en cuanto al gΓ©nero, la gobernadora Sanders ha obtenido el apoyo de sus aliados republicanos. πŸ‘ #GobernadoraDeArkansas #ActualizacionesDePolΓ­ticas #ApoyoRepublicano #ProtecciΓ³nDeTierrasDeCultivo #LenguajeNeutralEnCuantoAlGΓ©nero

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