Maine mass shooter's family reached out to sheriff 5 months before rampage, sheriff's office says

Maine mass shooter's family reached out to sheriff 5 months before rampage, sheriff's office says

📰 BREAKING: In a tragic turn of events, Lewiston, Maine witnessed the deadliest mass shooting in the state's history 😢. 😨 Just five months before this horrifying incident, the gunman's family had reached out to the local sheriff, expressing their growing worries about his deteriorating mental health 🤯. These concerns were made worse as he had easy access to firearms. It's imperative we address mental health issues and gun safety for the betterment of society 🙏💔. #LewistonStrong #MaineShootings #MentalHealthMatters #GunSafety

En Español: 📰 ÚLTIMA HORA: En un trágico giro de eventos, Lewiston, Maine presenció el tiroteo masivo más mortífero en la historia del estado 😢. 😨 Tan solo cinco meses antes de este espantoso incidente, la familia del tirador se acercó al alguacil local, expresando sus crecientes preocupaciones sobre su deterioro de salud mental 🤯. Estas preocupaciones empeoraron debido a su fácil acceso a armas de fuego. Es imperativo abordar los problemas de salud mental y la seguridad en el uso de armas para el beneficio de la sociedad 🙏💔. #LewistonFuerte #TiroteosMaine #ImportanciaSaludMental #SeguridadArmas

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