Pence withdraws White House campaign due to lack of momentum. 'The timing isn't right for me,' he states.

Pence withdraws White House campaign due to lac...

Pence ends White House campaign after struggling to gain traction. 'This is not my time,' he says

Pence withdraws White House campaign due to lac...

Pence ends White House campaign after struggling to gain traction. 'This is not my time,' he says

This weekend, all eyes are on Nevada as the elections take center stage. With dueling contests, Republican voters may find themselves facing a tough decision and potential confusion. The spotlight is firmly fixed on this intriguing campaign situation.

This weekend, all eyes are on Nevada as the ele...

The campaign spotlight this weekend is on Nevada, where dueling elections could confuse GOP voters

This weekend, all eyes are on Nevada as the ele...

The campaign spotlight this weekend is on Nevada, where dueling elections could confuse GOP voters

In the city of Seattle, the sound of phones dinging fills the air. This could mean that killer whales are in close proximity.

In the city of Seattle, the sound of phones din...

In Seattle, phones ding. Killer whales could be close

In the city of Seattle, the sound of phones din...

In Seattle, phones ding. Killer whales could be close

Authorities say the suspect in the Maine mass killing had a history of mental health issues and legally acquired firearms.

Authorities say the suspect in the Maine mass k...

Maine mass killing suspect had mental health issues, purchased guns legally, authorities say

Authorities say the suspect in the Maine mass k...

Maine mass killing suspect had mental health issues, purchased guns legally, authorities say

As Maine residents resume their activities after the shooting suspect was found dead, a sense of relief mingles with a touch of sadness.

As Maine residents resume their activities afte...

Relief is tinged with sadness as Maine residents resume activities after shooting suspect found dead

As Maine residents resume their activities afte...

Relief is tinged with sadness as Maine residents resume activities after shooting suspect found dead

Authorities say the individual suspected of the mass killing in Maine had mental health concerns and legally obtained firearms.

Authorities say the individual suspected of the...

Maine mass killing suspect had mental health issues, purchased guns legally, authorities say

Authorities say the individual suspected of the...

Maine mass killing suspect had mental health issues, purchased guns legally, authorities say

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